Pure 1 extends concepts learnt at GCSE such as working with
algebraic expressions, solving equations and inequalities, and straight line
coordinate geometry. These concepts are built on in topics such as circle
coordinate geometry, binomial expansion, integration and differentiation.
Students will also undertake Applied 1, covering content in
both statistics and mechanics.
In statistics, students will be working with large data sets and asked to
understand, represent and analyse the data. Topics such as linear
regression, probability and hypothesis testing will be covered, as well as
familiar GCSE topics such as interpreting box plots and histograms.
In mechanics, students will be introduced to both constant and variable
acceleration, alongside an introduction to forces and Newton's laws.
This provides a foundation for students continuing onto the second year,
building on the concepts learnt in Year 12 to further their understanding.
Pure 2 includes the introduction of new differentiation and
integration techniques whilst also developing students algebraic work. The
statistical content includes the normal distribution, conditional probability
and more hypothesis testing.
The mechanics content will extend the idea of forces and explore their
application, along with studying projectiles, moments and friction.