Exploring Loughborough
- Meet our Tutors and find out about our range of courses
- Talk to our Students Support teams
- Get advice on applying and the application process
- Meet the Apprenticeships team
- Discover what student life is really like
If you are a school leaver thinking about your future, then explore your next steps with our friendly team of experts.
Download Open Day guideTo join us on the day, we are asking visitors to register online and book an arrival timeslot. Each time slot has a strict 30 minutes window to arrive within and we ask that you do not arrive before or after this time.
Book your place on our University Level Open Day and find out more about what we have to offer!
Whether you are looking to study a course before going to university or pursue a career in your chosen subject, we’ve got you covered.
Our courses are designed with your future career and progression in mind. We have a dedicated team of teachers with a vast amount of industry experience to get you where you want to go!