Intermediate Apprenticeship (Level 2) Customer Service Practitioner

Loughborough College exterior of the Hub building

Role overview

Level: 2
Duration: 15 months


Our Customer Service Apprenticeship is designed to equip your apprentices with the essential Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviours (KSB) needed to thrive in customer-facing roles. The programme spans 15 months, including a three-month Gateway period for final assessment.

During the first 12 months, apprentices will receive training through a mix of college workshops, one-on-one workplace support, and project-based learning. This flexible approach ensures that training integrates seamlessly into an organisations operation with minimal disruption.

The apprentice will be expected to attend regular workplace training sessions, allowing them to apply new skills in real-time. We offer additional English and Maths support if needed, with training options that can be tailored to fit around your organisation's schedule.

At the end of the 12 months, apprentices enter a three-month Gateway period, where they will complete an End Point Assessment (EPA) to determine final grading.

This programme ensures that apprentices are fully prepared to deliver outstanding customer service, enhancing both individual and business performance.

Entry requirements

Apprentices will be required to have or achieve level 1 English and Maths and to have taken level 2 English and Maths tests prior to completion of their Apprenticeship.

Should an applicant not have English or Maths at level 1 they must show that they can work at this level and complete functional skills alongside the main qualification.

Qualifications obtained

Level 2 Apprenticeship Standard for the Customer Service Practitioner

Programme includes

The following Knowledge Skills and Behaviours will be developed within the 12 month period on programme:

Knowledge includes:

  • Knowing your customers
  • Understanding the organisation
  • Meeting regulations and legislation
  • Systems and resources
  • Your role and responsibility
  • Customer experience
  • Product and service knowledge

Skills include:

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Communication
  • Influencing skills
  • Personal organisation
  • Dealing with customer conflict and challenge

Behaviours to develop include:

  • Developing self
  • Being open to feedback
  • Team working
  • Equality – treating all customers as individuals
  • Presentation – dress code, professional language
  • “Right first time”

With agreement from the employer, apprentice and Trainer Assessor, the apprentice will enter Gateway and complete their final End Point Assessment

Where can you work?

The apprentice can work in any environment where they are providing customer service products and services for businesses and other organisations including face-to-face, telephone, digital and written contact and communications.

Key information

  • Enrolment is roll on roll off all year round, based in the workplace
  • Delivered in the workplace with one to one Trainer Assessor support. A schedule of workshops/support sessions are available in college for those who wish to attend

Awarding organisation

City and Guilds

Progression opportunities

Completion of this apprenticeship will lead to eligibility to join the Institute of Customer Service as an Individual member at Professional level.

Upon completion the apprentice can progress on to the level 3 Customer Service Specialist or Level 3 Business Administration

Additional information

The employer must agree to:

  • Brings a view of the apprentice working with them in the workplace through the apprenticeship
  • Work with the training provider to carry out a continuous review of the evidence generated by the apprentice as part of the on-programme assessment process
  • Supports ‘on the job’ training and offers relevant experience
  • Decides on the timing of final assessment with the support of the Training Provider

Useful links

FAQs What is an Apprenticeship?

Read our FAQs

Apply Application Process

How to Apply

Support Apprentice Interview Tips

Ace the interview