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Two-day job market launched to help get people back into work

Posted: 19th August 2021 - 8:49am

Loughborough MP Jane Hunt, Loughborough College and Loughborough University have joined forces to host the town’s first-ever Jobs Market, aimed at providing careers advice and work opportunities to jobseekers. 

The two-day event aims to bring together a range of local employers who are seeking workers to fill vacancies, whilst the College and Loughborough University will provide careers, training and business advice. 

Employers will man market stalls to offer roles to local people whilst the town’s new Career and Enterprise Hub will be used for one-to-one advice sessions, seminars and interviews over 31st August and 1st September 2021. 

The Jobs Market will be a one-stop-shop for young people who are deciding on their future career paths and is being held shortly after students receive their A-Level and GCSE results, providing a great opportunity to talk to the right people and make informed decisions. 

Speaking about the event, Jane said: “In place of market traders selling fresh fruit, there will be employers offering jobs! By utilising the market stalls as well as the amazing new Careers and Enterprise Hub, we have been able to put on an exciting event which will help young people with careers advice. 

“As well as having local employers in attendance, young people will be able to receive tailored advice from trained advisers in the Careers and Enterprise Hub. We have put on a unique package of events and I’d like to thank Loughborough College for all their hard work in putting on this fantastic event.” 

, Principal and CEO of Loughborough College, said: “We’re extremely pleased to support the Jobs Market event which is a unique opportunity for employers to meet potential employees in the heart of Loughborough. 

“It is a perfect fit with our Careers & Enterprise Hub which is playing a vital role in the community by providing people with advice and support with education and training, getting people on the right pathways to unlock their potential and finding the right jobs. 

“The Jobs Market event will strengthen the offer in the town centre and help local employers tap into the town’s talent to fill their vacancies.”  

The Jobs Market is free to attend and runs from 9am-4pm. 

If you are a local employer and would like to register to join the event, please visit: https://www.loucoll.ac.uk/careers-hub/jobs-market