Time Capsule Ceremony Marks Historic Development at Loughborough College

Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Loughborough College marked a significant moment in its history this week, as a time capsule was buried on the grounds of a new state-of-the-art sports building, currently under construction.

The capsule, intended to capture the essence of 2024, is set to be unearthed by future generations in 100 years, allowing the students and staff of 2124 to get a taste a life in Loughborough right now. These items, chosen to reflect the current era and the vibrant community at Loughborough College, include a copy of the day’s newspaper, photos of the current Executive Team and therapy dog, Mylie, plus a selection of Loughborough College memorabilia.

The new dedicated sports facility, part of the College's ambitious campus expansion project, is expected to elevate Loughborough College's status as a leader in sports education and training. The modern facility, which is set to be completed by Summer 2025, will allow students access to world-class sporting facilities, flexible learning spaces, and cutting-edge training areas.

The time capsule ceremony was attended by representatives from building contractor, Stepnell, and members of the Loughborough College Estates team, who contributed to the selection of items placed inside the capsule.

Dale Richardson, Director of Estates and Sustainability at the College, led the ceremony, and expressed excitement about the legacy the time capsule represents. "Today, we are not just building for the future but also preserving our present for future generations. The time capsule symbolises our commitment to excellence in both sports and education, and it will serve as a snapshot of life at Loughborough College in 2024.”

The time capsule, now sealed and buried beneath the floor of the building, will remain untouched until 2124, when future Loughborough students and staff will have the opportunity to unearth it and look back on the legacy of the College and community.

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