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Recruitment fair helps people grab jobs

Posted: 26th May 2022 - 10:56am

More than 20 people have landed new jobs after a successful recruitment fair at the Loughborough Careers and Enterprise Hub.

The roles were offered to candidates by a selection of employers during the event, which bought together around 150 local people and nearly a dozen employers from a range of sectors.

Several people secured interviews on the day by talking directly to employers including Loughborough College, Travail, Boo Burgers, Absolute Care, Geary’s Bakeries, Charnwood Borough Council, Prince’s Trust, Accessorize (East Midlands Airport), DHL (East Midlands Airport) & Kinch Bus.

The Hub, a partnership between Loughborough College and Loughborough University, joined forces with the local Job Centre Plus team and Loughborough MP Jane Hunt to run the successful event on 6th May 2022.

Dave Robertson, who leads the Careers Hub for Loughborough College, said: “We’re delighted that the event has already helped match more than 20 people with new jobs. This is exactly what we aimed for with this style of event. It shows the scope of opportunities for employers looking for potential employees in the local area, and how much interest there is in the local population who are actively seeking work.

“The event itself created a real buzz in the Careers Hub, and also the surrounding area of the high street in Loughborough town centre.”

Jane Hunt, Loughborough MP, said: “It was great to see so many people come along to the recruitment fair and I am delighted that a number of people have secured interviews as a result. I’d like to thank all involved; I am already looking forward to the next event and even more people securing new jobs.”

The Careers & Enterprise Hub and Loughborough Job Centre intend to run a similar event on Friday 10th June, with details of employers and sectors due to be represented at this event to follow in due course.

The Hub, which was funded with £750,000 of Loughborough Town Deal money, provides career advice, guidance on training and education pathways, CV writing and employability workshops, support for employers as well as helping entrepreneurs launch new businesses.

Find out more at https://www.loucoll.ac.uk/careers-hub/