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Loughborough College Seeks a ‘Climate Champion’ to lead Planet Earth Games in 2023

Posted: 11th January 2023 - 1:38pm

Climate Change and Sustainability are some of the biggest challenges we all face in 2023.

As part of Loughborough College’s commitment to tackling ‘climate change’ they have signed up to participate in Planet Earth Games, a competition between further education colleges to raise awareness about environmental issues and make a difference in our local communities. And to lead the College’s efforts a ‘Climate Champion’ is being sought.

“Our students are passionate about environmental issues and sustainability” said College lecturer and community organiser Jesse Jackson. “As a college we have a history of outstanding success at competitions including World Championships, Commonwealth Games and even the Olympics, so this is a chance to turn our attention to winning for our planet too.”

“The Planet Earth Games are designed to engage a broad range of students in collaborative action to tackle climate change, to promote active lifestyles, and develop sustainable practices at the College.

“To achieve this, we are seeking a talented and committed individual to be our ‘Climate Champion’ for the 2023 Planet Earth Games.

The successful candidate will create an organising committee of volunteers, arrange a launch event in the college and promote activities to ensure student engagement and involvement.

“They will also work with staff and students with a set of tools to capture Loughborough College’s carbon emission before and after events, submitting the data to be scored by the judging panel” said Mr Jackson.

Students interested in being the Climate Champion should contact pr@loucoll.ac.uk to learn more about the opportunity.

The Planet Earth Games will see Loughborough College set a range of assignments to address ‘Climate Change’ within the College and local community and the winning college will be recognised at a national gala event on Earth Day in April 2023.