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Jump into the Jackal: Public Service students come face-to-face with a military vehicle

Posted: 27th January 2022 - 10:16am

An armoured car rolled into Loughborough College’s campus as part of a special visit by the British Army.

Staff and students were able to climb aboard the vehicle which was part of an Army Careers Event organised by the College’s Public Services team on 20th January 2022.

Having the vehicle on campus enabled students to experience some of the vehicle’s features and develop their learning hands-on.

Loughborough College thrives on holding events like these to maximise student’s enrichment opportunities and expose them to a variety of industry-relevant experiences.

Tim Turner, Public Services Curriculum Manager, said: “It was very insightful for the students to be able to see and speak to those already in the industry as it boosts their social and employability skills.

“It is important that students get to have first-hand experiences of equipment and vehicles as it hones their ideas for their future career paths and enables them to begin planning their next steps accordingly.”

Public Service student Jasmine Clements said: “Speaking to the soldiers gave me a breadth of information and sparked new ideas for potential career paths.”

Another student, Reece Griffiths explained that he found the weapons interesting and the whole experience very informative.