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Charity Initiative

Posted: 10th November 2022 - 2:30pm

College launches appeal for unwanted sports kit

Loughborough College has launched an appeal for unwanted sports kit and boots to support the Boots for Africa and KitAid charities.

Boots for Africa is a charity that sends unwanted football boots to communities in Africa to support sport in developing countries. On top of that, the College is also supporting KitAid which sends unneeded sports kit and equipment to African charities.

Hannah Smith, the College’s women’s football development officer, is coordinating the campaign. She said: “As a College, we value giving back and doing what we can to help disadvantaged communities and people. We feel supporting this campaign is a brilliant way of reducing our own waste by giving unwanted or unneeded boots, shirts, shinpads, shorts or socks to people who need them.

“We’re not looking for brand new stuff, but we also don’t want to collect well-worn or damaged equipment to send. If you have anything that you think can help and that you don’t need any longer, please get in touch and help us support people in developing communities in Africa.”

If you have any football boots, sports shirts, shorts, socks or shinpads that you can donate, please drop them off in the donation bins in the College reception area. The Charity boots donation bin is a large yellow wheelie bin and the Kit for Africa is a caged basket with a KitAid poster attached.

Loughborough College has an ethos of giving back and is a founding member of the national Good for Me, Good for FE campaign which aims to generate millions of pounds in social value and donations.

For more information about Boots for Africa, click here. For more information about KitAid, click here.