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Careers Hub confidence boost helps anxious graduate land perfect role

Posted: 15th March 2022 - 10:36am

A tech whizz secured a dream role with IBM after getting a vital confidence boost and advice from experts at the Loughborough Careers & Enterprise Hub.

Michael White, 22, from Ashby-de-la-Zouch, graduated from Staffordshire University with a first class degree in computer game play, design and production but was losing hope of getting into the industry after six months of job disappointment.

But after meeting with Mike Campbell at the Careers & Enterprise Hub, run by Loughborough College and Loughborough University, Michael got the advice and boost he needed to interview with confidence. Weeks later he was offered two jobs – including with IBM.

Michael said: “The advice I got from the careers hub was so good and really motivated me, it showed me that I needed to persevere. It was a boost for me. My mental health wasn’t great at the time I first went in. But having that friendly chat with Mike really boosted me.

“I definitely feel the advice I got was tailored to me and for me. The team will help you do what you want to do. They open you up to different ideas, extra qualifications and remind you of the value of the skills you have. Speaking to them just after Christmas definitely helped my confidence.”

Michael applied, but was overlooked, for several jobs with game developers after graduating in summer 2021 and had started to feel down and despondent when he hadn’t landed a job by Christmas.

He said: “About Christmas time, I’d been out of education for four months and not really getting anywhere, and I was getting quite down.

“I had good days and bad days, but just after Christmas I was feeling really low. That’s when I thought I’d seek some advice and found the careers hub.”

Michael said he booked an appointment, met the team and, through talking to our advisers, built his confidence back up and realise the value of his skills.

He said: “When I went in there I got such a friendly welcome. I spoke to Mike Campbell who took the time to get to know me and tailored his advice specifically for me and my skills. Shortly after, I interviewed for IBM in January.

“I felt more confident than I had in previous interviews and thought I’d done well. A week or so later, they offered me the role. I felt incredible.”

Michael now works as an associate technology specialist at the global technology company where he helps develop software applications.

Mike Campbell, Careers & Enterprise Hub Manager, said: “We’re absolutely delighted for Michael. He has fantastic skills and when I spoke to him it was very clear what a talented young man he is.

“But like many people we see who have been struggling to secure the jobs they want, he just needed a confidence boost and to be reminded of what makes him a valuable asset to businesses.

“We’re all about shaping futures and unlocking people’s potential and it’s so rewarding to know that we’ve played a part in helping Michael advance his career. We wish him every success in his new role.”

Find out how the Careers & Enterprise Hub can help you: https://www.loucoll.ac.uk/careers-hub/