Beauty and Barbering Students Go Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness

Thursday 17th October 2024

Students and staff from the Beauty Therapy and Barbering departments recently came together to support Breast Cancer Awareness during the first Wear it Pink Day of the academic year.

Staff and students spent the day in their brightest pink attire, raising donations for breast cancer charities, marking a day of unity and reflection on a cause that hits close to home for the department.

The event carried special significance, honouring Hairdressing and Barbering Lecturer Kerie Mooney who successfully fought breast cancer last year. Her journey through diagnosis and recovery has inspired both students and colleagues.

Curriculum Manager for Hairdressing, Barbering, and Beauty Therapy, Claire Springthorpe praised the students for their involvement in the cause, sharing: “This is a charity very close to the hearts of everyone in the department, and Kerie’s bravery and strength through her fight against cancer have touched us all.

“We are so proud to stand together in pink to raise awareness and show support for everyone affected by this disease.”

The department plans to continue holding Pink Days throughout the year to keep the conversation going, continue to raise much needed funds for Breast Cancer Awareness, and honour those battling the illness.