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BA Music Students Rock the Cask Bah, Enhancing Skills Through Live Performances

Posted: 19th April 2023 - 2:45pm

The Cask Bah, a popular music venue in Loughborough, has become a hotspot for talented BA Degree music learners from Loughborough College, at the College’s promotion ‘Loughborough Calling’. It gives them a unique opportunity to sharpen their skills by performing in front of a live audience. It offers a crucial platform for young musicians to develop their stage presence and improve their musical abilities.

The initiative, which started as a way for the students to gain practical experience outside the classroom, has now become a regular event, attracting music lovers from around the region. Students showcase their talent in various genres, from jazz and classical to rock and pop, catering to diverse musical tastes.

Music Lecturer and Higher Education Lead Matthew Toole said, “Performing at the Cask Bah has been invaluable for the students, as it exposes them to the realities of live performances and the challenges that come with it. From dealing with stage fright to adjusting to different acoustics and environments, these gigs have provided a well-rounded education to our musicians.”

 “One of the most significant benefits of performing live is the immediate feedback the students receive from the audience. It helps them understand which aspects of their performance resonate with the crowd and which need improvement. This invaluable insight enables them to fine-tune their skills, better preparing them for the competitive world of professional music.”

Student Juan Dela Cruz has been a regular performer at the Cask Bah and shared his enthusiasm for the opportunity, stating that the experience helped improve his technical abilities and boosted his confidence as a performer. In addition, he expressed gratitude for the supportive community and the chance to connect with other musicians who share the same passion.

The Cask Bah's management team has been great at supporting these talented students. As a venue, they have been working to develop a platform for live music as part of Loughborough's cultural scene. The combination of high-quality performances and a unique atmosphere has led to a loyal following of patrons attending the events, fostering a thriving and diverse music community.

The Loughborough Calling gigs at the Cask Bah take place once a month during term-times on Thursday evenings. The next and last one is Thursday 18th May.