Ten Tips To Help You Get The Most Out Of Distance Learning

Tuesday 31st March 2020

With many people now studying from home or having aspects of distance learning in their course we have come up with 10 tips to help you get the most out of your session.

“The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.” Carl Rogers

If you are studying for a formal qualification at home, like many of our learners, we recommend 10 tips to help you stay healthy and get the most out of your study time.

  1. Set up a study space

    If you can try and create a dedicated study space that separates you from your normal living area. Areas that have good natural lighting, removed from noise and distractions should help you to supercharge your concentration.

  2. Keep a clean desk

    Keeping your books and learning materials in an orderly fashion will ensure you know where to find the information you need easily. Cluttered desks can distract you from the task at hand and increase your stress levels.

  3. Choose a suitable chair and think about your posture

    If you are going to be in a chair for prolonged periods of time it is a good idea to choose one that is comfortable. If you are working at a desk choose a seat that allows you have your feet flat on the floor with thighs horizontal and arms even with the height of the desk. Remember to try and maintain a good posture to avoid strain on your muscles and stress on the spine.

  4. Give your eyes a break

    If you are working at a computer remember to rest your eyes. Staring for long periods of time at a computer monitor can lead to eyestrain that can cause headaches and blurred vision.

  5. Take regular breaks

    Take a few minutes every hour to have a rest. Stretch your muscles, move around, take a little walk – just do something different. You will find it improves performance and will give you an energy boost.

  6. Take advantage of your home environment

    You are at home so capitalise on the opportunity to create the perfect working conditions that suit you.  Temperature, lighting and sound can be tailored to fit your needs to help maintain or enhance your mental focus.

  7. Think About Nutrition

    Make sure you have a stock of healthy foods and drink to help maintain your energy levels and concentration. Fruit, nuts and water are healthy choices and could help give your brain that much needed boost.

  8. Optimise your study time

    If you haven’t got to physically attend classes or lectures flexible learning allows you to optimise your learning time. Everyone peaks at slightly different times of the day so save coursework or study time that requires most concentration for then.

  9. Get plenty of sleep

    Lack of sleep can cause fatigue, depression and reduced motivation. Whatever your schedule, try and make sure you get enough hours (7-9 hours) sleeping to stay sharp.

  10. Take advantage of your support networks

    You could easily feel isolated at this time with fewer opportunities to meet your friends, colleagues and family. Take advantage of technology and social media tools to put you in contact with other people. Not only will it help you to have some interaction with others you may just brighten up someone else’s day too.

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