Join our Board of Governors and help to transform lives through learning.
With over 11 000 students studying at Loughborough College each year, your insight, experience and contribution can help us in achieving our goals in meeting the needs of everyone in our communities.
All our Members are volunteers, drawn from the community with a range of occupations, ages and diverse backgrounds. Some of our members are appointed directly by the Corporation whilst others are elected by staff and students of the College.
The role of the Corporation is to agree and oversee the strategic direction of the College, setting objectives and monitoring performance – in essence to support the College in providing a high quality and effective learning experience for all who attend the College. The responsibilities can be summarised as:
- Agreeing, setting and monitoring the strategic direction of the College
- Approving the Quality Strategy of the institution
- Determining the educational character and mission of the College and overseeing its activities
- The effective management of resources to ensure the solvency of the College and the safeguarding of young people and vulnerable adults
- Approving annual estimates of income and expenditure
- The employment of Senior Post Holders, including their appointment and determination of pay and conditions
- Setting a framework for the pay and conditions of service of all other staff
The Corporation normally meets 6-8 times per year and members are expected to be a member of at least one of the following Committees:
- Quality of Teaching, Learning & Assessment
- Financial Performance & Efficiency
- Audit & Risk
- Search
- Remuneration
Committees meet 3-6 times per year. The majority of meetings take place in the early part of the evening at Loughborough College.
The Corporations role is strategic and members do not involve themselves in the day-to-day management of the College. The Principal enjoys delegated responsibilities and the extent of this delegation is set out in Appendix 1 of the Standing Orders. Terms of Reference of Committees are outlined in the Governance Functions document (both of these are accessible from the Governors Section of the College Website).
We would particularly welcome applicants with an understanding of the needs of the local business sector, or special educational needs, or under-represented ethnic minorities.
Please make initial enquires to the Clerk to the Corporation, or on 01509 517168