Recruiting an Apprentice

Employee smiling, talking on the phone and typing while using a headset

Finding your next Apprentice

Loughborough College can assist you to find your next Apprentice or arrange an Apprenticeship for an existing employee via our free recruitment service.

Our Business Development Consultants will work closely with you to identify the correct Apprenticeship programme and level. Our goal is to make the process of finding an appropriate employee for your business as easy and straight forward as possible.

Mechanic apprentice stood with an employer looking up at the underneath of a car that has been raised up on an electric lift
A meeting in an office room with a man standing in front of a white board presenting to his colleagues

For new entrants

  • Work with you to create a job description
  • Advertise your vacancy
  • Shortlist and Pre Select applicants
  • Assess Maths and English skills
  • Arrange interviews
  • Provide interview feedback
  • Arrange enrolment for successful applicants

For existing employees

  • Review job description
  • Skills scan applicants
  • Assess Maths and English skills
  • Arrange enrolment

Once an Apprentice has been recruited, we take great pride in the on-going support given to organisations and the Apprentices that we work with. It is important to us that both you as an organisation and your Apprentices have a rewarding experience throughout the relationship.

Ofsted recently recognised our ethos and working practices by awarding us with a Grade 1, ‘Outstanding’ for Apprenticeships.

Ready to employ an apprentice?

No matter the size of your company, we can assist you in navigating the various routes to funding an apprenticeship.

Contact our team