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What Next?

You will have a review with your progress tutor. They will discuss your plan for next year and offer support and guidance.

Once you’ve agreed your plan, we’ll send you a progression certificate, followed by joining instructions for enrolment onto your next year of study.

  • Apprenticeships
    or Employment

    If you are moving onto an apprenticeship with the college then the apprenticeships team will be in touch with further options. If you are moving to an apprenticeship elsewhere, or going into work then you will NOT receive anything from the college. Please let us know the name and address of your employer.

    View Apprenticeships
  • Continuing with
    the same subject

    If you are studying with us on a full-time course you’ll receive a progression certificate, followed by joining instructions, for enrolment onto your next year of study.

  • Higher

    You will need to complete an application through UCAS for your chosen course*.

    If you wish to study a higher or degree level course at Loughborough College then you can visit our HE Registry team who will be happy to help. They are based on the ground floor of the HE Centre.

    You can also email the HE Registry team directly.

    *If you are applying for one of our part time HE course please contact the HE Registry team directly.

    View HE Courses
  • Changing

    If appropriate your tutor will recommend you for your new course. You will need to be accepted onto the new area you want to move into. If successful, we’ll let you know you’ve got a place. You must then get the required grades, and enrol on your allocated date to secure your place.

    Change Courses
  • Part-time

    If you’re looking to move to a part-time course, we’ll be in contact to let you know how and when to enrol.

    N.B. If you are under 18, you are not eligible to study part-time unless you also spend 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering. Your other options are to stay in full-time education, for example at a college, or to start an apprenticeship or traineeship.

  • New course different provider

    If you would like to study a course with a different college or training provider you will need to follow their application process and let us know so we can update our information.

What We Expect

  1. Think about your options, but be realistic.

  2. Ensure that you discuss your options with your progress tutor.

  3. Meet with the Careers team (if necessary)

  4. Let us know if you change your mind.

  5. You will be sent information on the Enrolment process. Please ensure that you follow this process in order to secure your place.

What you can expect

If successful on moving to the next level, or securing a place on a new course you will receive a progression certificate.

You will be sent joining instructions for your next study year. This will include details on the enrolment process and what you need to do.

  • Changed your Mind?

    If you change your mind following your progression meeting then please contact your Progress tutor directly or contact Student Recruitment by email to discuss possible options.

    If you indicated an apprenticeship or employment but now wish to return, you should contact your progress tutor/ Course Leader or Student Recruitment.

  • Careers Advice

    We have a Careers team based at College who provide advice on courses, apprenticeships, traineeships, jobs and careers. You may be referred to them if you are not able progress onto a course within your current programme area, or are unsure about what to choose next. You can also email the Careers team directly and they will be happy to arrange an appointment with you.

    We’ll endeavour to get you on the right track and back into the progression process.

    Careers & Enterprise Hub Careers & Employability Career Zone
  • Please Do Not!

    Apply to the college using a paper or online application form, this is for new entrants only. If you do, then your application will not be processed.

    Please do not attempt to enrol or come into College without having spoken to a member of Student Recruitment, or your current Progress or Course tutor, beforehand.

If you’re unsure about anything, please get in touch

with thanks from the Student Recruitment team

© 2025 Loughborough College

Radmoor Rd, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3BT