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Sound the Alarm! Students Pass CPD Training

Posted: 2nd June 2023 - 9:32am

Electrical Installation apprentices and students received hands-on CPD training when home life safety leaders Aico brought their mobile training unit to Loughborough College last month.

Students were brought up to date with the latest legislation, regulations, and British Standards for fire detection and carbon monoxide detection alarm systems and spent time learning about new developments across the sector, covering systems in domestic premises, existing properties, and new builds.

Learners were able to get first hand experience with the Aico alarms, linking multiple detectors together using Aico’s state-of-the-art RadioLINK frequency system.

Katie Coeulle, Aico’s Regional Specification Manager who presented the training on alarm installation gave each student their CPD Expert Installer certificate. This accreditation will be vital in future career paths, as employers view Fire Industry Association (FIA) CPD experience as the ideal standard in training.  

First year apprentice Callum Shepherd said, “I found the training very informative, and it opened my eyes to how important these alarms are,”

Students then got the opportunity to download and explore Aico’s AudioLINK+ App which allows users to receive alarm information while on-site. The students were then shown the SmartLINK App which sets up a gateway system by using each product’s unique QR code. Learners got an exclusive chance to look at further cutting-edge Aico technology, including a network of fire and carbon monoxide alarms along with environmental sensors that detect humidity, temperature, and CO2.

T-Level Electrical learner Callum McInnes added, “I really enjoyed the training especially how interactive it was,”

All students left the training with CPD Expert Installer certificates and were also each provided with a copy of Aico’s Installers Handybook, which gives the essential information to choose, install and maintain domestic home life safety systems.