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Loughborough College named one of the country’s most inclusive organisations

Posted: 23rd June 2022 - 1:37pm

Loughborough College is officially one of the country’s top 20 most inclusive organisations, the National Centre for Diversity (NCD) has revealed.

The College has been on a mission to improve diversity and inclusion over the last two years and has been recognised for its efforts by being ranked 19th in the NCD’s 2022 Top 100 league table.

It is the first time the College has been ranked.

, Principal and CEO at Loughborough College, said: “I am so proud and delighted for the College and its staff for being recognised as a top 20 organisation by the National Centre for Diversity.

“As an organisation, we had a strong foundation but we wanted to get even better to become a truly diverse and inclusive place to work and study.

“Through a strategic exercise and high-level engagement, we created a Diversity Steering Group, made up of staff who are passionate about inclusion, who have done some amazing work in raising awareness, organising events, and holding us to account to drive improvements in policies and actions.

“What has been especially impressive is the way in which staff and students have embraced the FREDIE values to underpin everything we do, from recruitment to the personal development process.

“I’m really excited to see where we go next as we continue to champion inclusion and break down barriers for all at Loughborough College.”

The College recently secured eight nominations at the NCD’s 2022 FREDIE Awards which champion the country’s most diverse and inclusive people and organisations. FREDIE stands for Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement.

It is the latest diversity accolade for the College which in early 2022 was awarded Investors in Diversity accreditation from the NCD.

The College’s initiatives included updating a range of policies to make them more inclusive; rolling out training in everything from allyship to transgender and non-binary awareness; organising a showcase of different cultures and food festivals.