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Jobseekers find perfect match at recruitment fair

Posted: 24th August 2022 - 8:47am

Nearly a dozen people landed new jobs at a special recruitment fair which brought together local employers and jobseekers.

More than 100 people attended the event at Loughborough Careers and Enterprise Hub, a joint initiative by Loughborough College and Loughborough University, at which 10 employers interviewed 43 people for roles.

The event was run in partnership with the Loughborough Job Centre Plus team.

A total of 11 people were offered jobs as a result of meeting recruitment teams from businesses such as Oodles Noodles, Heavenly Desserts, Boo Burgers, Francis and Gayle, Avon, EMA, Youth Enterprise (Prince’s Trust), Shaw Trust, Help at Home and Find Your Fit.

Michael Campbell, who manages the hub for Loughborough College, said: “It is so rewarding to see the careers hub being used to match employers and new recruits. It’s exactly why we’re here and why it is so crucial that a place which offers advice on skills, training and employment is needed in the heart of Loughborough.

“The turnout was fantastic and the engagement between employers and jobseekers was wonderful to see. Of course, you don’t need to wait for one of our recruitment fair events to get advice on training and careers. Feel free to drop in anytime and we’re always thrilled to help.”

It was the latest in a series of recruitment fairs held at the Careers & Enterprise Hub. So far, more than 30 people have found work through the events, with many more discovering new routes into training.

The Careers & Enterprise Hub was funded with £750,000 of Loughborough Town Deal money to provide career advice, guidance on training and education pathways, CV writing and employability workshops, support for employers as well as helping entrepreneurs launch new businesses.

Find out more here: https://www.loucoll.ac.uk/careers-hub/