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Good for Me Good for FE: Festive appeal to colleges to support foodbanks

Posted: 1st November 2022 - 12:00pm

The sector’s social action campaign – Good for Me Good for Me - is today launching its #FestiveFEFoodbankFriday appeal in the run up to Christmas.  

In its third year, this initiative supports people in need by collecting food items and toiletries and donating them to community foodbanks across the country.  

In 2021, College staff and students donated hundreds of food, toiletries and other items to the New Life Community Church in Loughborough, which is part of the Trussell Trust.

Demand for donations is at an all-time high this year as the cost of living crisis and energy price rises hits many families. The Trussell Trust has launched its own emergency appeal and Good for Me Good for FE is supporting this by urging colleges to get involved.  

FE staff and students are being asked to donate either single items where they can, or create hampers to help make Christmas a little easier for people and families in need.  

Other fundraising activities being planned in the lead up to Christmas include Santa dashes, festive jumper days and Christmas lunches for care leavers.  

College principals from the three founding members of the campaign – Sam Parrett, London South East Colleges, , Loughborough College and Stuart Rimmer, East Coast College said:  

“Demand for foodbanks is sadly at an all-time high so we want to encourage everyone who can, to donate and help others. Christmas is a difficult time for many people and every little genuinely does help. 

 “The support we have had from colleges over the past two years for both our FE Foodbank campaign and Good for Me Good for FE has been amazing. It has reflected how much colleges care about their communities and what an important role they play in them.  

“We are grateful to the 140 colleges and partners who have got involved and urge you all to give a big push for this year’s Festive Foodbank – as there is such a desperate need for support.”

Good for Me Good for FE launched in August 2021, setting an initial target to generate £1m of social value in the first year. This target was smashed and over £2m has been generated to date, along with £157,000 raised and 99,000 food items collected. The initiative is now focused on reaching £4m of social value via continued volunteering and fundraising across the sector.  

The campaign is supported by charities and partners including the AoC, NCFE, The FA, The Mental Health Foundation, Scouts, NAVCA and SLQ sports leaders. 

For more information about joining the initiative and exciting ways to get involved with the Festive FE Foodbank, contact Susie.good@lsec.ac.uk.  

For more information about the Good for Me Good for FE campaign visit www.goodformegoodforfe.co.uk