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College teenager stars in national T Level campaign

Posted: 31st January 2022 - 2:30pm

A Loughborough College student has been chosen as one of the faces of a new national government campaign to promote T Level qualifications.

Paige Lowe, 16, of Leicester, is currently studying a T Level in Education and Childcare and sent in an audition tape to take part in the Department for Education’s ‘Get The Jump’ campaign which promotes the range of education and training paths open to young people.

She was stunned when she was invited to London for filming and is now starring in the national ad campaign which was designed by advertising giants M&C Saatchi.

Paige said: “Teachers told the class about the opportunity to get involved with the campaign so me, and some of my other classmates, sent in a video stating who we are and a little something about ourselves - and I was chosen.

“Me and my mum went down to London to film and spent the day on set. I went into hair and makeup and had to practice jumping from a platform with a stunt director.

“I am very grateful to be part of the campaign. It’s crazy to me to think that people finishing their GCSEs may see the advert I’m part of which may influence their decision. I hope that it can help at least one person on their way forward.”

Paige’s long-term ambition is to work with children in special educational needs or helping children deal with past trauma.

Kate Storr is the T Level Co-Ordinator for Caring Services at Loughborough College. She said: “Paige is one of the quieter members of the group so I was surprised when she went for this. But she has revealed a real inner confidence.

“It has also really shone through in her industrial placement, where all the reports have been very positive. She ‘just gets on with stuff’ and this is how she handled the trip to London and phone interview for this campaign. She took everything in her stride organising her trip to London and having the phone interview.

“When she got through the first selection process, she had to send in a video of her jumping. This took quite a few takes on a cold wet December morning … but in typical Paige style, she ‘just got on with it’!”

The Get The Jump campaign aims to help young people navigate the education and training landscape so they can make the right next step in their education.

The campaign covers all education and training options but will specifically spotlight technical education routes such as:

  • T Levels
  • Traineeships
  • Apprenticeships
  • Higher Technical Qualifications

Visit the Get The Jump campaign page here: https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/explore-your-education-and-training-choices.

Visit Loughborough College’s website to find the right course for you: www.loucoll.ac.uk.