So, what happens next?
Offer Letter & Acceptance of Place Form
We will send you a conditional offer letter and an Acceptance of Place Form. Your offer will be based on recommendations from the curriculum team. You may be offered a lower or higher level course than you were expecting; this will be based on your event and predicted grades. We know that grades can change once you have your results so we will be happy to amend the course or level of course at that time to reflect your actual achievements. If you have your grades already, any offer will reflect your actual working level and would not be subject to change at enrolment. You will be advised during your event if the course you have applied for is not suitable for you, and suggestions may be made for an alternative option. If there is no suitable alternative or you are unsure about any suggestions made we can offer you an appointment with our Careers team If the alternative course is taught by another curriculum area you will be invited in to meet with that team as soon as possible.
Accepting our Offer
You should let us know you are accepting our offer by returning the Acceptance of Place form within 30 days of your event. *You will need to do this to secure your place and be invited to the Pre Programme Events.. If you should decide that Loughborough College is not for you this is your way to let us know. If you are applying for more than one course choice you should only accept one course offer as your Firm choice. If you do accept more than one, you will be asked before the summer to confirm your first choice as you can only be invited to one Pre programme Event.
Pre Programme Events
These Events will take place in early summer, week commencing 27th June and week commencing 4th July 2022. Teams plan a one day event to give potential students a flavour of what their chosen course or subjects will be like to study. It is also an opportunity to get to know more about the College and to meet potential class mates and your course tutors. *You need to have returned an Acceptance of Place form to be invited.
If you have accepted our offer you will be invited to Registration (enrolment) which takes place on or after GCSE Results day. Over the summer you will receive more information about the Bursary, fees, funding, trips, kit and uniform etc. You will be invited to start the Registration process on-line, and then to come in to College with your results to complete your enrolment. Call: 01509 618375 Email: